I have a hard time believing you watched all of Hovinds videos.
I have listened to many hours of Hovind. Either his knowledge of evolutionary biology is woeful or he is deceitful.
Unless you have read some science books on the topic it would be easy to fall for his sophistry.
I have read Anatomy and physiology 1 and 2 college Biology and chemistry Psychology 1 and 2. Algebra, trig, calculus, those are the basics the textbooks of the facts everything after that is theoretical imaginative.
Your evolutionary Gods went to many years of schooling and brainwashing to come to be deluded that man the earth the universe the sun the stars came into being without a designer.
You don't have to go to church or be an ex jw to believe there was a designer God, creator. That is the default position we all start from.
You have to go to school read lots of stupid books for years to ever get deluded and brainwashed enough to believe there is no God, creator, designer.
I don't know if it is all the tv you watch, the movies, the chemtrails they spray in the sky or like the bible says you are willfully ignorant.
I retired from working in the county jails as a correction officer. I know one thing everybody has and is working an angle.
Either you are after dirty money or dirty sex. That is always the bottom line.
But if you are after the truth you know there is a God.
Most everybody here knew there was a God once and then they rebelled.
I think everyone is right to rebel against the watchtower but its not right to rebel against God.
The watchtower was part of your journey and growth as a human.
So which of the 7 deadly sins makes you deny your creator?